CAHR 2013 - Final Abstract Submission Reminder
Please be reminded that CAHR 2013 abstract submission closes on Monday, January 14, 2013.
January 9, 2013
Click here to
submit your abstract. CAHR welcomes abstracts that cover all aspects of HIV research. Abstract submissions are grouped into the following four tracks:
- Basic Sciences
- Clinical Sciences
- Epidemiology and Public Health Sciences
For more information on the subjects within each track please visit the Abstract page of the CAHR conference website.
CAHR is pleased to offer eight Scholarships in Vaccine Research (in partnership with the Canadian HIV Vaccine Initiative ), eight Academic Scholarships and four New Investigator Awards. Review the Scholarships & Awards page on the conference website to see if you qualify for a scholarship or award, and ensure you apply when you submit your abstract.
For more information: CAHR 2013

Sandy Becker, CMP
Conference Manager
22nd Annual Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research
April 11 - 14, 2013
Westin Bayshore, Vancouver, BC
c/o Sea to Sky Meeting Management Inc.
Suite 206, 201 Bewicke Avenue
North Vancouver, BC V7M 3M7
Phone: 604-984-6455
Fax: 604-984-6434
Skype: seatoskysandy
"Reproduced with permission - "Canadian Association for HIV Research"
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